
Gangster Disciple Graduates College, Headed To Howard University To Complete Master’s Degree

Photo credit: Scott Anderson

Anton House, 31, grew up in Racine, WI enticed by drug dealers whom he saw in his neighborhood flaunting the latest material items, including big gold chains, leather outfits and Adidas track suits, according to the Journal Times.

But House’s current interest is his thirst for knowledge.

House was the product of a broken family and a dilapidated community. These circumstances prompted a 13-year-old House to sell drugs with the assistance of his own mother.

House tried his hand at drugs by attempting to sell licked-off lemonheads for $20. His mother caught wind of his antics and got him some real drugs, telling him, “If you’re going to do it, do it. Don’t play because people will kill you.”

House dropped out of school at age 16 and later served a two-year bid for possession of cocaine after turning 18.

House was released from jail in 2000, but quickly returned back to prison for five years for committing the same crime.

House earned his G.E.D. in prison. Upon his release, House enrolled in University of Wisconsin-Parkside where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in history.

House will continue his education at the prestigious HBCU Howard University after being accepted in its two-year Master’s program in African diaspora studies.

House wants to study the creation of gangs, the Black Panther Party movement, the rise of crack in inner cities and the assassination of black political figures.

Head over Journal Times to read article in full by clicking here.

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