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Rev. Jesse Jackson Slams President Obama For Not Spending Money To Help Chicago

Rev. Jesse Jackson is taking President Obama to task for not showing enough support for Chicago’s urban community. The City experiences extreme poverty and a high violent crime rate.

According ABC 7 Chicago, Jackson criticized city, state, and federal elected officials for not spending enough to create jobs or having a strategy to combat violence.

“Right now, there is no such plan and we cannot go funeral,” Jackson reportedly said.

Jackson criticized Obama’s $3.7 billion proposal for the Mexican border patrol. Jackson said Obama has yet to propose any federal dollars to federal dollars for jobs and economic development in the city and nation as well.

Jackson previously criticized Obama for addressing the December 2012 Newton shooting massacre, but not taking action on the violence in the Windy City.

“I’m so glad the president spoke out about Newtown. But Chicago is much more complex. 175 under 18 killed this year as of last night in Chi,” he wrote.

“Ignorance, hopelessness and guns are all factors in this war in Chicago. But we don’t make it sell guns in Chicago,” he wrote.

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