Bump J is highly respected for his influence on Chiraq’s Hip Hop scene. Bump was expected to take off in the mainstream music scene until he was nabbed on a robbery charge in 2009. Despite being incarcerated on a 10-year bid, Bump’s name still holds weight. MBAM Mazzi’s name does too.
Mazzi titled his latest record after the original “B.O.N.” rapper. All the hate circulating around Mazzi has him feeling like Bump.
Mazzi raps, “Certified in these streets- Mazzi general/Played with choppers, fueled up a few funerals/I’m a drug dealer, pounds I can front you a few.”
Mazzi is looking to be a problem on the Hip Hop scene just as Bump was.
Listen to Mazzi’s hot new single “Bump J” below.
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