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600Breezy Reacts to Water Gun Drive-By Prank Backlash

A video of a group young men doing a drive-by prank with water guns has gone viral on social media. The video drew much backlash due to the reality the city faces when it comes to gun violence.

600Breezy came out in defense of the young men.

On IG, Breezo commented, “So y’all mean to tell me……. They made the news for having fun riding around shooting water guns aw I get it y’all rather them ride around and do real drive bys with real guns and kill more black people so y’all can post more murders like y’all give a fuck. Chicago backwards as f**k. S/o Nolimit tho f**k fox 32 news.”

One of the young involved in the prank has since taken to social media to defend his actions.

“Man, y’all crazy. I’m just having fun,” he said. “I ain’t practice drive-by. I ain’t doing no drive-bys. None of that. I graduated from Hyde Park. I’m not on nothing. I’m not no terrorist. Nothing.”

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