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Chief Keef Hints at Sex Tape

Chicago teenage rapper Chief Keef is set to leak a sex tape on the condition that his followers trend #BigGucciSosa on Twitter. The rapper alleges he captured footage of himself and a friend receiving oral sex.

“Ok so @Gbe_Ballout took da pic both of us was gettin head By some best friend foreign bitches trend #BigGucciSosa If u Wanna See Da Video,” he wrote.

Chief Keef, 16, is fueling discussions of underage sex after personally leaking a photo of himself receiving sexual favors.

Chief Keef initially uploaded the photo via Instagram before his account was suspended for violating the company’s nude and sexually suggestive photo policy.
The “Don’t Like” rapper took matters into his own hands by directly uploading the lewd photo to Twitter.

Though Chief Keef’s actions are a shocking, it is even more shocking to learn a young man who is not yet an adult is photographing sex acts. It is no secret the young emcee is sexually active as he recently became the father of a baby girl.

It is not certain the age of the young woman photographed in the photo. But it must be noted the age of consent in Illinois (where the rapper resides) is 17. If the woman were older than Chief Keef, her actions violate the “age of consent” law and qualify as rape.

If the woman is Chief Keef’s age, it is still great cause for alarm because both parties are underage.

Nevertheless, the rapper photographing the act could serve as illegal pornography due to his age. Images that display individuals under the age of 18 in some jurisdictions can be classified as child pornography. In the United States under federal law it is a crime to film or photograph minors below 18 in sexual acts, even in states where the age of sexual consent is below 18.

No stanger to controversy, Chief Keef has been in the news as of late for laughing off the death of a fellow Chicago rapper.

Englewood resident Lil’ JoJo, born Joseph Coleman, was murdered in a hail of gunfire in a drive-by shooting as he was riding on the back pegs of a friend’s bike. Witnesses described the vehicle as a tan, older model, four-door Ford Taurus that was riding low in the back, according to the Chicago Sun Times.

Authorities believe members of the Black Disciples street gang are responsible for Coleman’s death. Keef is reportedly affiliated with the street gang and occasionally references #300 in songs.

Lil’ JoJo allegedly had a hit out on him due to his highly publicized beef with Chief Keef associates Lil’ Durk and Lil’ Reese. The rapper posted a video “3HunnaK” to Youtube attacking the Glory Boyz Entertainment affiliates.

“These ni**as claim 300, but we BDK,” he rapped.

After Lil’ JoJo’s murder, Chief Keef took to Twitter and wrote, “Its Sad Cuz Dat N***a Jojo Wanted To Be Jus Like Us #LMAO.”

Chief Keef has since denied writing the post and alleges his account was hacked.

Do you think “3 Hunna” rapper is bold enough to release a sex tape? Sound off below.

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