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Chief Keef Says He Will Be Released From Rehab In January

Chief Keef is looking at a January release date from rehab, the “Bang 3” rapper revealed.

Sosa, who purports to be having the time of his life in rehab, took to Twitter to announce his current state in rehab and release date.

“This Rehab shit cool!

“I get out Of Rehab In Jan

“I miss The Glo

“But Gotta Handle Rehab First,” he wrote.

In mid-October, a judge ordered Chief Keef to serve 20 days in jail for violating the terms of his probation after testing positive for marijuana, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Sosa was released a few days later for good behavior.

But Keef soon found himself back in jail Nov. 7 after failing yet another drug test.

Chief Keef was granted permission to enter drug treatment at the Promises Treatment Center, a California-based private facility. Several notable celebrities have entered the drug-treatment, including Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears.

A judge initially ordered Chief Keef to undergo 90 days of drug treatment at the Haymarket Center on Chicago’s West Side.

Sosa will spend his first 30 days in the facility. He will be able to work following that phase depending on his 30-day progress report, the Tribune reports.

Chief Keef’s next court date is Dec. 12.

Sosa was placed on probation following a speeding arrest in June.

Northfield Police clocked Sosa driving 110 mph on the Edens Expressway. Keef’s arrest came following a performance in Davenport, Iowa.

Chief Keef plead guilty to the charge and was fined $531, placed on probation for 18 months, ordered to perform 60 hours community service, undergo random drug testing and complete eight hours of traffic school.

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