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Chief Keef Welcomes New Baby Boy Sno ‘The White Sosa’ Cozart

Chief Keef is one fertile rapper. The Glo Gang frontman now has enough kids to make a starting line-up for a basketball team. He’ll soon have enough for a football team.

Sosa presented to the world the latest edition to his family and third son “The White Sosa” aka “Sno Cozart.”

Sosa’s new son comes less than a year after the Sept. 21, 2014 birth of son Krue.

Sosa also has three daughters from different women.

His daughter Kayden “Kay Kay” Cozart, as many may know, is his firstborn.

Sosa was recently ordered to pay child support to Erica Early who is the mother of another daughter. He was ordered to obtain medical and life insurance for the child.

Sosa announced in July 2014 he was the father of his former New Jersey girlfriend’s baby girl.

The Glo Gang frontman took to IG to showcase has newest bundle of joy who was born in March 2014.

“My Daughter Mon’e! Kaykay Lil sister! Lookin like a Taliban,” the caption on his post read.

But it doesn’t end there. More women have come forward to claim Sosa is their baby’s father.

A woman who happens to be the mother of Slick Em’s child is purporting to have recently given birth to Sosa’s baby.

She shyly revealed Sosa as her baby’s father in an interview.

Another woman claims Sosa fathered her son. Sosa’s alleged son can be seen turning up to his music in footage.

Chief Keef previously revealed Lil Wayne was his motivation for wanting a lot of children.

“Wen I was little I always said my whole life, Ima be like lil Wayne And get famous and rich and have 6kidz.”

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