
Drake Escorts His Cousin To Prom In Memphis, Fans Accuse Him Of Copying XXXTentacion

#drake flew to #memphis to take his cousin to #prom #ovo #promseason

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Millions of high school students across the nation are attending prom. Drake is obviously not a student, but partook in his younger cousin’s ceremony.

Fans are now accusing Drizzy of copying XXXTentacion who also took his cousin to prom.

XXXTentacion took his cousin to prom in a stretch hummer on Sunday.

“How you feeling cuzzo. You feeling good? You feeling crazy?” X asks as he gets turnt with her. “Prom is going to be fun. Blessed. Blessed.”

#xxxtentacion took his #cuzzo to prom (video) #xtentacion

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#xxxtentacion attends #prom #xtentacion

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