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Ebone Hoodrich Turns Up With Soulja Boy & Sean Kingston

Ebone Hoodrich is amongst some of the Chi’s fastest growing artists making a name for himself in the underground rap circuit.

Ebone has collaborated with a number of Chicago talent, including King Samson, Lil’ Mister, Lil’ Mouse and Rico Recklezz.

Ebone’s hard work has afforded him to be in the company of some of the music industry’s most popular artists.

Ebone was photoed recently turning up with Soulja Boy and Sean Kingston.

Soulja boy posted visual content to his Instagram with the “Alotta Money” rapper.

One image featuring fellow musician Sean Kingston appeared on Soulja’s account with a caption, reading, “coolin #youngrichniggas.”

The SODMG frontman next posted a video to his account, with a caption reading, “turnt up.”

Soulja Boy may perhaps be hinting at a possible collaboration with the Chi Town rapper.

Head over to Ebone Hoodrich’s YouTube account to view more of the Chicago artist’s music catalog by clicking here.

Check out Ebone Hoodrich’s “Racks On Me” Official Music Video

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