Gabby Douglas endured much scrutiny over her hairstyle during Olympic competition. Social media was set ablaze as discussion surrounding the gold medalist’s hair erupted the Internet.
The surprising twist in the matter is Douglas’ mother Natalie Hawkins “foresaw” the whole hair controversy.
“We had the stylist come down and they did her hair right before Olympic trials and I thought ‘Oh my that’s good,’” she said.
African American women still didn’t like it, Hawkins added.
“That hurt,” she said.
Oprah asked Hawkins what did she want to say to the African American women who criticized her daughter’s hair.
“She got some great stylists working on her hair now,” Hawkins responded. “We don’t have to worry about the hair anymore.”
Head over to Collegiate Netvision (CNV) to view clips of Gabrielle Douglas’ interview with Oprah Winfrey by clicking here.
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