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J. Cole Disses Tyrese On Power 105 ‘The Breakfast Club’

J. Cole took a dig at R&B singer Tyrese during radio interview with Power 105’s The Breakfast Club.

The Breakfast Club crew prompted J. Cole to respond to comments the “Signs Of Love Making” made in a previous interview.

“All I thought about was the Coke commercial,” Cole joked. “I couldn’t get past it man. Everybody love Tyrese.”

Check out Tyrese’s Coca Cola commercial

The diss didn’t stop there. Cole name checked Diggy and Tyrese in a freestyled performed live at the station.

“I’m joking, only provoking in hopes to go number one again/Hoping some rapper disses me just to make this shit fun again/It’s no fair/ Pac had Mob Deep and Biggie/ and all I get left with Tyrese and Diggie/ This is bullshit,” Cole rapped.

The feud is a result of Cole and Diggy’s rap beef.

Tyrese felt he needed to insert himself into the conflict due to his relationship with Diggy’s father Rev. Run.

“I jumped out there with J. Cole,” Tyrese told the Breakfast Club crew. “It was too much. Diggy’s a little kid. Let him live.”

Tyrese even took his frustrations out on Twitter against the “Power Trip” rapper.

Check out Tyrese Power 105 interview

“I caught a little heat the last time the J. Cole and Diggy thing went down. I tweeted like dog, ‘Chill out. He’s a kid. Let him live.’” Tyrese explained. People were like this is random because they didn’t understand this (Rev. Run) is my best friend, mentor and JoJo and Diggy that’s family.

“It’s not like I walked in a room and seen Diggy crying cause J. Cole did another diss record,” he continued. “It was just like ‘Dude, he’s a kid. You a grown man. Go diss a grown man.’ Whatever your issues are. Don’t put it in a record. Let the youngster live. Grown folks should come at grown folks. Don’t be dissing kids.

Watch J. Cole’s Power 105 Interview Below

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