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Sheryl Underwood Apologizes For ‘The Talk’ Natural Black Hair Remarks


Comedian Sheryl Underwood was the target of social media attacks after remarks made on CBS’ “The Talk” regarding black natural hair.

Underwood issued a heartfelt apology Wednesday via the Steve Harvey Morning Show:

“I want to apologize for my recent attempt at humor that missed the target and hit my people squarely in the heart. To all of you I say I’m very sorry for my failed attempt at humor surrounding something that’s very sensitive to us- our hair.

I could use this time to explain the intent on what I said, but misunderstanding aside. The way the joke came out, offended my people and my community, which was not my intent. I’m grateful for the love that you all have shown me. That love enough to pull my coattails and correct me when I’m wrong. My choice of words were wrong and inappropriate and I hope in time you can forgive me.

I thank those wise men and women, new people I met…in the natural hair community…all the brothers and sisters in the community in entertainment that came up to me and say ‘Hey, you made a mistake, we make mistakes all the time and advise me to use this as a learning experience and to reflect on the power of words and how I personally use them.

You reminded me about the enormous platform that I’m blessed to have and that my words have power. I’ve always portrayed myself on TV to be strong enough to take the hit, especially when I’m wrong. And all jokes aside, I was wrong.

I made a mistake. I juxtapose images that are continuously hurtful to our people. And for that I am truly sorry. For those who say that’s not enough, I can only ask that you let time heal this wound. Some of you have said things that are hurtful. And we are not a people of slurs. But we are a people of forgiveness. I made an inappropriate joke and an unfortunate statement that hurt the community that I love. I worked over the years to earn your trust and respect and I am going to work harder to get it back.

Please accept my apology and I ask you for forgiveness. And hopefully today this is where it starts.

Underwood’s comedic skills made an awkward turn after offering controversial thoughts on Heidi Klum’s practice of saving her children’s hair in a zip-lock bag.

Klum commented during an interview with Your Tango that two of her sons have “big afros.”

“…When I shaved them all down, I kept all the hair and I put it in a Ziploc bag. I keep everything!” she said.

Klum has three bi-racial children with ex-husband and singer Seal.

Underwood found Klum’s family ritual ridiculous, saying, “Why would you save afro hair? You can’t weave in afro hair!”

“You don’t ever see us in the hair place like ‘what I need here is “curly, nappy, beaded hair,’ she added as fellow co-hosts and the audience erupted into laughter.

Underwood’s comments become even more cringe-worthy after referring to white hair as “beautiful, long, silky stuff.”

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