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Sicko Mobb’s Lil Ceno Wishes Happy Birthday To Civil Rights Icon Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lil Ceno of Sicko Mobb took to social media wish the late Martin Luther King, Jr. a happy birthday.

“HAPPY BDAY MLK U MADE DA WAY,” the caption of Ceno’s IG post read.

King, born Jan. 15, 1929, is regarded as one of the world’s most renowned human rights activists for his role in pushing civil rights reform in America.

King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Oct. 14, 1964 for practicing nonviolence when dealing with racial inequality in America. His work led to the signing of the Civil Rights Acts in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, respectively.

King met his untimely demise after he was assassinated March 29, 1968 in Memphis.

Check out Martin Luther King, Jr. in “Eyes On The Prize: Episode 10- ‘The Promise Land’”

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