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TLC’s T-Boz Asks The Meaning Of ‘Thot’

Chicago culture has taken hold of mainstream culture.

The term “Thot” has become the new slang uttered from mouths around the nation.

Singer T-Boz, of famed R&B super group TLC, questioned the meaning of the term.

“What’s a Thot???” the “Meant To Be” singer asked.

“Hilarious how these words become so popular and I haven’t a clue what the hell they mean lol,” she added.

Thot, coined by Chicago’s urban residents, is a disparaging term for a promiscuous woman.

Chief Keef took to Twitter to break down the meaning of “Thot.”

“Thot = That Hoe Over There Thots = Them Hoes Over There,” he wrote.

Chief Keef commonly uses the term in his music.

In “My Niggas,” Chief Keef raps, “B*tch, I got a lot of f*cking thots.”

Thots have been the theme of Chief Keef’s music lately.

Chief Keef’s past thot anthems include “Love No Thotties” and “Lots Of Thots.” Chief Keef latest ode to these women is “Thots Gone Krazy.”

Popular producer Young Chop sat down with TMI to define the term.

“Thot is a girl that like to give herself up quick…like the first day you meet her,” the “I Don’t Like Producer said. “A ‘thotiana’ is a skrag of all skrags.”

Check out the infamous “She A Thot” freestyle

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