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XXXTentacion Reveals Why He Dyed Hair Gray and Shaved Eye Brows

XXXTentacion doesn’t give a care what anyone has to say about him. X took his creative expression to a whole nother level after shaving his eye brows and dying his dreads gray.

X took to social media to explain the reasoning behind his new look.

“What are they gonna say now? Isn’t it clear I don’t give a f**k,” he said. “If you feel as if your physical identity has to be the same as everyone else’s to be social acceptable, you’re stupid.”

Rate #xxxtentacion new look 😮 🚮👌🏿💪🏿🔥🤘🏿#lookatme #storm #xmen

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#xxxtentacion before the glo 😮 #lookatme

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Who crazier? 🤔 #xxxtentacion #boonk #boonkgang #facetattoo #facetattoos #facetats

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