Billionaire Black, a member of Chi Town rap group Fly Boy Gang, has lost many close friends over the years.
The “No Action” rapper dedicated a moment of silence on his IG to lost friend Tutu.
“R.i.p. Cashout Carlton Cashout #TTG #TUTUGANG4L,” Billionaire wrote.
Tutu, born Carlton Archer, was gunned down and left for dead Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011 in the South Side Woodlawn neighborhood. His body was discovered behind some garbage cans in an alley around 10 p.m. He was 17.
Tutu makes a cameo appearance in Billionaire Black and FBG Duck’s ‘Edai Is U Serious’ music video.
Billionaire Black is currently prepping the release of his sophomore mixtape “Billion Dollar Man.” No word on the project’s release date, but it is slated to drop soon.
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