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Lil Durk Paid Iowans To Retrieve Soulja Boy’s Jesus Piece Chain For BallOut

Soulja Boy’s stolen Jesus piece saga continues.

The Iowans who retrieved the chain during a Davenport concert performance now have a say in the matter.

Davenport natives Cameron Oliver and Kevlar Bogan are making claims OTF rapper Lil Durk purchased the chain from them at the direction of BallOut.

This comes amid a heated Dec. 6 Twitter squabble between BallOut and Soulja Boy over the stolen merchandise.

A reported fight in June occurred between Glo Gang and Mubu and resulted in BallOut getting his chain snatched.

The chain subsequently ended up in the hands of Oliver. Oliver immediately took to Facebook to say he was in possession of the item.

“No Play Play We Here… Contact Soulja Boy Tell em We got his shit….” he wrote.

Oliver and associate Bogan were later in talks with Soulja Boy to return the chain. But talks between both parties never materialized.

Oliver and Bogan recently took to Twitter venting his anger at both BallOut and Soulja.

Oliver elaborated slammed the two artists, writing, “Oml @SouljaBoy @Ballout Got Me On Twitter Flexxin About That Fake Ass Chain, SOULJABOY You Knew What It Was When I Talked To You Fuck Ass Nigga That’s Why You Ain’t Come Get It. @BALLOUT I Seen You Get Punched In The Lip And Got Yo Chain Snatched Without Throwing A Punch But You GloGang Lhh Tho. #FuckAssNiggas #563HereFuckYoAreaCode”

Bogan was more vocal in his thoughts on the chain incident.

Bogan slammed the two rappers, alleging they were too scared to retrieve the chain themselves from him.

“@souljaboy @GBE_BALLOUT both you hoe ass niggas was scared tto come get tthe chain. @lildurk_ came and got the mf back Ball Hoe ass,” he wrote.

“@souljaboy @GBE_BALLOUT Nigga I still got all the texts messages and all saved. @lildurk_ know Waddup. Niggas an stop flexin,” he wrote.

Bogan took an active role months ago after engaging in talks with Soulja Boy to give back the jewelry and made his monetary demands known.

“Tell solja boy davenport gotta get on before he get ANYTHING back !


“soulja just followed me on twitter , so all you hating ass mfs can kill talk , i didnt find the chain , its Cameron Oliver shit , he get the last say so ! no matter what , we finna be on qc !

“Solja just wrote me back on twiiter ! we finna return the man shit ! Now that’s 100 ! Qc stand Up

“Now we did this shit for our city

Bogan later released the direct messages shared between himself and Soulja Boy on May 28 with a message, stating, “Our services ain’t free. #DOD.”

Bogan revealed behind the door scenes that occurred with the chain, revealing he met up with Lil Durk at a local Wal-Mart to give back the chain.

“@GbeBallout300 stop flexin wit that fake ass chain. @LilDurk_ came and bought yo shit back dude. He know about that Meeting at wall mart,” he wrote.

Durk, who was performing during the fight incident in Davenport, previously vented his thoughts on the whole ordeal on social media.

“Niggas frontin Dey move on dese sites ova a fukin chain clown ass niggas #3004real

“Everbody lame af fuck dat chain bitch I’m on da block,” he wrote.

Kevlar said the chain was “fake” in the abovementioned Facebook post.

“Nigga that chain WAS fake ! From the gold to the stones,” he wrote.

Bogan used this bit of knowledge as ammo as he continued to launch a series of tweets disparaging BallOut.

“Everybody Go Follow @cameronoliver18. He The Nigga Who Had @souljaboy chain when @GBE_BALLOUT lost. We finna exspose the whole shit

“Nigga WE ain’t no mf fans of dude. We about that paper. Exactly what you paid to get the chain back. Rs @GBE_BALLOUT @souljaboy

“Niggas flexin real good@GBE_BALLOUT @souljaboy

“Nigga we didn’t want that fake ass chain. But solja was begging to fly us to la to get that fake ass mf back

“@whoisdef remember talking to us. Calling is off king Louie phone. Tryna shoot a video for the chain @GBE_BALLOUT @souljaboy

“@6775montana Niggas got they chain took. We made niggas pay to get it back. True story.


“Dis nigga ballout wanna delete my comments cuz he know he paid to get that chain back,” he wrote.

It was in April when all hell broke loose after Soulja Boy blasted BallOut for allegedly taking the chain from his home.

Soulja Boy sent a series of tweets disparaging the “I Got A Bag” rapper.

“Fuck these fake ass niggaz

“You can’t phase a boss nigga

“Real niggaz do real things fake niggaz do fake things. A snake is a snake. A broke nigga will stay broke,” he wrote.

“You ain’t take shit ‪@GBE_BALLOUT ur boy Tadoe not getting his fake ass watch back either. Fuck that fake ass chain that’s not mines stupid,” he wrote.

“Take a picture of the back of the chain if u so smart bitch ‪@GBE_BALLOUT we not hiding come to secret Sundays 2nite see u there broke boy

“See what u get when u try to show broke boys love a nigga grabbing a fake chain that’s not urs while ur away from home lol smh fuck em

“A nigga ain’t do nothing but show they true colors nigga that’s all

“Ballout grabbed a fake Jesus chain from my house while i wasn’t home so we took Tadoe watch now we even i will never fuck will y’all again,” he wrote.

Despite Soulja’s claims of BallOut stealing the chain from his home, it was learned this wasn’t true. BallOut just simply didn’t return the item.

Former SOD artist John Boy shed light on the ordeal in a vlog.

“I fuck with GBE niggas. Them and Soulja got problems, but at the end of the day you gotta realize that shit was between BallOut and Soulja Boy. BallOut took Soulja chain. Whatever the case may be. That’s they business. When it’s time for Soulja to get his shit back, Soulja Boy wanna get everybody that don’t fuck with GBE to kind of fight his battle.”

John Boy explained Soulja Boy had an opportunity to ask for his chain back, but acted cowardly.

“Yall was in the studio,” he said. “You face to face with BallOut. You wanted you chain back, get your chain back. Don’t ask for other niggas to help you fight. He face to face with you. He told you whatever the case may be, bruh. That’s what its gotta be.”

Soulja Boy claimed his Jesus piece necklace was robbed from his home Saturday, April 6, but photographic evidence shows BallOut had the chain as early as Jan. 15.

BallOut was featured in Fredo Santana’s”Trap Life” music video and can be seen wearing the chain. The video was uploaded to Youtube on Jan. 22.

BallOut boasted taking the chain on social media and even threatened to physically assault Soulja Boy.

“@souljaboy Im Pistol Whippin Yu Wen I See Yu Dre Ur Not A Soulja ErrBody Know BallOut Took DeAndre Chain Tadoe What?You Wasn’t N Sight?” BallOut wrote on Twitter.

BallOut purports to have stolen Soulja Boy’s gold Jesus piece chain.

“ME N My Niggas We Str8 Takn Shit #Squadddddddd


“N L.A. Pushin On Niggas Jus Too This Nigga @souljaboy Chain Des Niggas Fak As Shit I B Takin Shit #300shit,” BallOut wrote.

The “I Got A Bag” rapper even took to Instagram post a photo of himself wearing the jewelry.

“#ForGotTooUpload #BossShit,” the caption on the photo read.

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