The Divine Nine is representing in full force at Power 92 Chicago. Several of the on-air talent at the station happens to be members of the Black Greek Lettered Organizations.
DJ Mondo and DJ Nehpets are members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. DJ Mondo took to Twitter to rep his “Blu Phi.”
@JADEonPOWER92 and me got the Airwaves Rocking. My frat @DjNehpets is up next….BLUUU FIIII #THISCHICAGO,” he wrote.
On-Air Talent Jade then repped her Sigma Gamma Rho.
”@djmondo3 @djnehpets lol it’s a Sigma thang… Ee-yip!” she wrote.
Power 92 on-air talent Tone also happens to be a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. is a historically black fraternity founded at Howard University on Jan. 9, 1914 by A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F. Morse and Charles I. Brown. The fraternity’s aims are Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service.
Sigma Gamma Rho is a historically black sorority founded at Butler University on Nov. 12, 1922. The sorority places an emphasis on scholarship, sisterhood and service.
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