Zarriel Trotter, 13, became one of Chicago’s latest victims of gun violence after he was hit by a stray bullet on the West Side of Chicago, according to the Chicago Tribune. The teen was featured in an award-winning anti-violence campaign last year.
Zarriel, who hails from the dangerous Austin neighborhood in Chicago, spoke on the dangers of gun violence in his West Side neighborhood.
“I don’t want to live around my community, where… people keep on getting shot, people keep on getting killed,” Zarriel said in the video.
Zarriel, now a seventh-grade student at Catalyst Circle Rock Charter School, is recovering at Mount Sinai Hospital after stray bullet hit him the night before. He was hit in the lower back.
The teen boy was the unintended target after he got caught in the crossfire of two groups fighting down the street.
Zarriel, who goes by Zarri, is Austin’s 71st gunshot victim in 2016, and the second youngest one, according to Chicago Sun Times.
Zarri underwent surgery and is now in critical condition.
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