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Joe Budden Talks Dangerous Effects Of Molly

Joe Budden is one of the few Hip Hop artists deciding to jump off the bandwagon. The “Pump It Up” rapper discussed in an interview with Fox 5 the dangers of the popular drug “Molly.”

“Now everybody is speaking about molly like it is the “it” thing to do,” Budden said. “I didn’t see a problem with the fact that maybe five days would go by without sleeping. I didn’t see a problem with the fact that I was maybe hallucinating at times. It just altered your thinking process dramatically. For thinkers, such as myself it was like nothing I had ever experienced before.”

Molly is a pure form of ecstasy. When induced, it puts the user in a euphoric state.

The drug has been extremely popular to use in rap verses as of late. Hip Hop newcomer Trinidad James has arguably intrigued listeners on with his highly addictive line “Popped a Molly, I’m Sweating Woo!” in song “All Gold Everything.”

Trinidad James appeared in an interview with Power 105’s Breakfast Club to express his love for the Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) drug. The Georgia rapper said his drug of choice prior to using “Molly” was marijuana. But after using Molly for first time, he said, he never went back.

Joe Budden wants to encourage the youths to say no to the drug.

“I thought it was important for somebody, anybody to stand up and say ‘I did that, it’s corny,” he said. “I’m hoping at the end of the day, it won’t be me versus the entire music industry on who a 13-year-old should listen to regarding drugs.”

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