President Barack Obama is standing behind Vice President Joe Biden’s controversial comments made during a southern Virginia campaign stop.
Many people felt Biden likened Mitt Romney’s Wall Street policy to slavery during a southern Virginia campaign speech with many African-Americans in attendance.
Biden told the Danville, VA audience “Romney would let the big banks write the wrong rules” in the first 100 days.
“Unchain Wall Street!” Biden said. “They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”
The comment was met with cheers and groans.
“In no sense was he trying to connote something other than that,” Obama said, according to People Magazine.
“The truth is that during the course of these campaigns, folks like to get obsessed with how something was phrased even if everybody personally understands that’s not how it was meant,” Obama told the magazine. “That’s sort of the nature of modern campaigns and modern coverage of campaigns. But I tell you, when I’m traveling around Iowa, that’s not what’s on people’s minds.”
Romney’s campaign later called Biden’s comments “reckless” and that the Obama administration “reached a new low.”
Obama’s campaign and his surrogates have disgraced “the office of the presidency,” Romney said, according to The Associated Press.
Biden clarified his remarks and said he meant to use the term “unshackled” in discussing Ryan’s House budget proposal.
“The last time these guys unshackled the economy, to use their term, they put the middle class in shackles,” Biden said. “That’s how we got where we are.”
Biden attacked the Romney campaign for sending out a tweet rebuking his statements. Biden defended himself saying, “I’m using their own words. I got a message for them. If you want to know what’s outrageous, it’s their policies and the effects of their policies on middle class America. That’s what’s outrageous.
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Listen to Biden’s controversial “Chains” comment.