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Swagg Talks ‘Stop Playin’ Mixtape & OSOArrogant Clothing Line In Power 92 Chicago Interview

Swagg made an appearance at Power 92 Chicago to discuss new music and his new clothing line.

“I got the mixtape “Stop Playin” dropping on Sept. 4… the day little broski passed away, so we going to do it real big,” Swagg told listeners.

“…I got the OSO Arrogant clothing line dropping on that same day…, all of that will be dropping on there.

Swagg, born Johnathan Coleman, first made mention of his upcoming moves in May.

“CLOTHING LINE AND NEW MIXTAPE DROPPING SEPT 4th on #JoJoDay,” Swagg wrote on Twitter.

Swagg released prototypes of the clothing line via an Instagram post.

“JUST SOME PREVIEWS MAN #CEODINERO,” the caption on the photo read.

Watch Swagg’s Power 92 Chicago interview

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