The past few days have seen blogs exploding with fiery comments over a reported same-sex wedding ceremony featuring Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. themed colors and a member of the fraternity himself.
The two happy grooms, Robert Brown and Nathanael Gay, held their crimson-and-cream themed ceremony on Saturday, Sept. 8 in Lexington, KY.
Gay called in to The Tom Joyner Morning Show to clarify misconceptions surrounding his viral wedding ceremony footage.
There was much confusion over whether both partners were members of the historically African-American male greek letter organization. Gay clarified he is the only member of the fraternity and that his wedding was not “Kappa” themed.
“There was no affiliation whatsoever to Kappa at my wedding. This was not a Kappa wedding,” Gay said in an interview with TJMS. “My husband’s not a Kappa. He’s not Greek. Our colors weren’t based off the Kappa colors like most of the articles mentioned. The only affiliation to Kappa was my sands being there in support.”
Me and my sands took two pictures throwing up the “Yo” and a media outlet chose to take our video and run with it, he added.
Gay told the TJMS crew he didn’t incorporate his fraternity’s colors in his wedding.
Red and white, he said, is a symbol of love and has nothing to do with Kappa Alpha Psi.
“If anyone’s really done their history and research on Kappa, Kappa’s colors aren’t red and white, they are crimson and cream,” Gay said.
Head over to gallery to view photos of the two men’s ceremony by clicking here.
Head over to Collegiate NetVision (CNV) to check out the men of Kappa Alpha Psi in action by clicking here.
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Listen to Tom Joyner Morning Show Interview Below
Watch Wedding Ceremony Montage video below