Chicago rapper King Samson sat down with TJ Holmes for a special segment on Chicago’s growing gang problem.
A broken family background prompted Samson, 24, to seek love elsewhere in the streets.
“You know my momma was on drugs and when I was growing up I knew this really wasn’t my family,” Samson said. “I was going out doing what I was doing. The streets was more my family than my family people I was living with.”
Samson, who has been rapping for only nine months, said he is “making a way through rap” to get away from the gritty Chicago street life.
“I have a gift at rapping,” he said. “I know how to put words together because I had been through stuff.”
Before he was rapping, Samson revealed he earned his main source of income through “robbing.” Samson said he “wouldn’t hesitate” to go back to robbing if music didn’t work out.
Samson said he has used his gun before, but didn’t “stay around” to find out if he murdered anyone.
Life is so cut throat in the inner city of Chicago that it would be miracle to make it to see age 40, according to the rapper.
“I don’t condone violence or ignorance unless it’s brought to me. I’m not going out and riding in the car like ‘let’s go do something to somebody,’” he said. “But if it’s brought past my way and I gotta protect me, myself or my family or somebody who with me, then I can’t care.”
Head over to BET to watch King Samson interview by clicking here.
Check out King Samson “Turn Up” official music video
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