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Maybach Music Group Artist Meek Mill Plans to Build School in Philly Neighborhood

Maybach Music Group artist Meek Mill is using his success to uplift his community.

The latest in the rapper’s philanthropic plans is the building of a new school in his old neighborhood in Philadelphia.

School of dreams….. Ima build a school in my hood very soon!

Aside from rapping, Meek Mill has been very giving through his philanthropic ventures. The rapper notably donated Christmas gifts to needy families during the Holiday season.

The “Dreams and Nightmares” rapper decided to make the Christmas holiday special for a few needy families in Philly.

Meek Mill told a Fox 29 reporter their good deed wasn’t planned and that they just came up with the idea on Christmas Eve.

Meek said he wanted to put a “smile” on some kids’ faces

“I’ve been around kids my whole life who never had nothing for Christmas,” he said.

Check out Meek Mill’s charitable deed below.

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