Meek Mill sat down with Charlamagne the god to discuss the trauma he’s dealt with in his life. The Philly emcees reveals he has to self medicate to deal with his PTSD.
“I was still in the hood. I was still around murder. I still could’ve got murdered any day in those environments…being paranoid trying to protect yourself being around death and sh*t. I been out the hood for the last few years so I don’t have the same mentality fully, but it’s still there. I been smoking weed all week. I got 100 friends that’s been murdered. When we lay down in the bed, we gotta smoke something, take Benadryl or something. You start thinking about 10 of yours homies that got killed last year. I used to take perks and s— like that. All of that came from a balance of dealing with sh*t like that.”