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Naked Miami Man Caught Eating Man’s Face Identified

Rudy Eugene

The naked Miami man who was shot and killed after he was found chewing on another man’s face has been identified.

Rudy Eugene, 31, was high on LSD when he committed the gruesome attack on his victim. Eugene reportedly growled at a police office when he was ordered to stop.

The officer shot Eugene several times.

Global Grind reports the victim was rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital with 75 percent of his face missing, including an eye, his ears and lips.


The homeless victim in the Miami man-eating case has been identified as 65-year-old Ronald Poppo.

Ronald Poppo is currently in critical condition at Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center where 75 percent of his face was eaten by 31-year-old Rudy Eugene.

The Miami Herald reports Poppo is a drifter who has been homeless for nearly four decades.

Poppo has an extensive criminal history background that includes public drinking, trespassing, burglary, assault and resisting arrest, the Miami Herald reports.

Eugene was shot and killed by a police officer after he was found chewing on the face of his victim.

Authorities are having trouble locating Poppo’s family. Only two friends have come forward to offer their support for him.

Emory Robert Spencer and Rafael told The Miami Herald Poppo “never bothered nobody.”


Rudy Eugene, the “Miami man-eater,” may have been under the influence of “bath salts,” a new potent form of LSD.

Eugene, 31, was shot and killed after eating the face of 65-year-old Ronald Poppo on the Miami MacArthur Causeway. Poppo is currently listed in critical condition at the Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center.

The bath salts come in the form of a white powder. Various names for the drug include, “Vanilla Sky, Ivory Wave, White China, Dynamite and Cloud 9.”

Armando Aguilar, president of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police, told The Miami Herald he thinks Eugene was under the influence of “bath salts.”

The drug can be sniffed, taken orally, smoked or mixed into a solution and injected into veins. According to Poison Control Centers, dangerous effects of the drug include, suicidal thoughts, agitation, combative/ violent behavior, confusion, hallucinations/ psychosis, increased heart rate, hypertension, chest pain, death or serious injury.

Zane Horowitz, MD, an emergency room physician and medical director of the Oregon Poison Center, told Technorati “Drug makers will keep creating new combinations” of designer drugs “at home and in illicit labs”…because “drugs like these are new and below the radar, unlike named illegal drugs.”

If “bath salts” are made illegal, he said, other drugs will be created. That is not a good argument to avoid putting a nationwide ban on these chemicals permanently. The lag time needed to create new chemical combinations may stave off the creation of ticking time bombs like Rudy Eugene. A ban will save lives.The sooner the permanent ban thhe more likely that events like this zombie-cannibal attack will be avoided.

Head over to gallery to view gruesome photo of Rudy Eugene and victim by clicking here.

Head Over to Collegiate NetVision (CNV) to View 20-Minute Full Video of Miami Man-Eater Rudy Eugene Eating the face of Victim Ronald Poppo by clicking here.

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