Kodak Black caught a lucky break in his probation violation case. Project Baby was sentenced to 364 days in jail, the Sun-Sentinel reports.
But Kodak may only see another 30 days in jail if he can successfully complete an anger management/life skills course.
A Broward County judge granted Lil Kodak a second chance after he expressed remorse for his actions.
“If you can find it in the kindness of your heart, your honor, I am asking you to give me a chance to prove my worth to the court. To be the person my community expects me to be,” Octave told the judge, according to Local 10.
Kodak’s team assured the court Project Baby will do right this time around.
“We know we won’t let him down this time because Dieuson Octave, not Kodak Black, means so much more to us than him being a celebrity,” Kodak’s assistant, Vanessa Antoine, said, according to Local 10
“His extraordinary creativity and almost overnight success could lead us all to forget he is still a teenager facing temptation most adults would find difficult to manage,” Michael Kushner, of Atlantic Records, said, according to Local 10.
Kodak said his mother’s cries during last week’s hearing deeply affected him.
Kodak apologized to his mother during Thursday’s court hearing, saying, “it pierced my heart,” the Sun-Sentinel reports.
Kodak’s mother, Marcelene Octave, wailed after hearing her son was found guilty of probation violation.
“My son!” she screamed, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
Kodak reportedly sat silent as he heard his mother’s anguish.
It could’ve been worse for the rising rap star who was facing a maximum of eight years in prison. Kodak, who was found guilty of five of six counts of violating the terms of his house arrest last week, has been jailed since Feb. 28.
Kodak’s probation officer, Sandy Friedman, was present in Wednesday’s court session to reiterate the rapper’s unwillingness to complete anger management.
“He did not complete anger management, he was thrown out,” Freidman said.
In Kodak’s last court hearing, Friedman, streamed YouTube videos in court that showed the rapper’s attitude. In one video, Kodak can be heard yelling and cursing about his efforts to comply with the terms of the mandated classes. In another video, Kodak looks at the camera and says he’s late for a session, then denied being late when he arrives.
Kodak violated his probation by “failing to remain confined to his approved residence except for one half hour before and after approved employment, public service work, or any other special activities approved by the officer […] on various times and dates, as evidenced from the pictures on video showing the offender at various places that were not approved,” the Sun-Sentinel reports.
Kodak got in trouble for attending Adrien Broner’s bout against Adrian Granados in Cincinnati the night of Saturday, Feb. 18
Kodak’s battery charges stem from a woman who accused him of assault at Club Lexx earlier this year, the Sun-Sentinel reports.
Kodak’s battery charge went in his favor several witnesses took to the stand to dispute the assault claims of Jennifer Cunningham.
Surveillance shows Kodak hugging Cunning after the alleged incident.
The club’s manager, Baljit Singh, revealed while on the stand that Cunningham was drunk and tried to grab the rapper’s genitals.
“When she gave him a hug she grabbed his genitals and said I want to talk to you and he proceeded to tell her you are not my type and she got mad and walked out,” Singh said.
Dexter Burney, a security guard at Club Lexx, also took the stand to refute Cunningham’s allegations.
He corroborated Singh’s claims that Cunningham touched Kodak’s genitals.
“She told me she grabbed his meat,” he said.
Jennifer Cunningham, 34, told police Kodak “approached her and started acting belligerent” around 3 a.m., Sun-Sentinel reports.
“After I pushed him away he started swinging his hands towards me, like he was tying to attack me,” Jennifer Cunningham said, according Local 10 News. “As he’s trying to attack me, I’m grabbing (his arms) to defend myself.”
Cunningham admitted she didn’t see a doctor for her injuries until two weeks after the alleged assault. Cunningham did, however, file a report the day of the incident.
“Basically, I was a victim and assaulted by a gentleman that had no right to put his hands on me,” Cunningham said, according to the Sun-Sentinel. “And I don’t tolerate that.”
No formal charges have been filed in the alleged incident.
A Miami-Dade police officer told the court Cunningham seemed more interested in her getting surveillance video for a civil case than pursuing criminal battery charges, ABC Local 10 News reports.
“Her case is still open because she hasn’t come in to speak to me,” Det. D.D. Rollins told the Sun-Sentinel.
Cunningham reportedly said the rapper got up on the bar while she was working, preventing her from accessing a cooler to serve drinks to customers. When she asked Kodak to get down from the bar, he made a handgun gesture with two fingers and pushed them against her temple. She pushed Kodak away, and then he started swinging at her, and kicked her near her right shoulder.