Lil Durk Paid Iowans To Retrieve Soulja Boy’s Jesus Piece Chain For BallOut
“@souljaboy @GBE_BALLOUT both you hoe ass niggas was scared tto come get tthe chain. @lildurk_ came and got the mf back Ball Hoe ass”
– Kevlar Bogan
“@souljaboy @GBE_BALLOUT both you hoe ass niggas was scared tto come get tthe chain. @lildurk_ came and got the mf back Ball Hoe ass”
– Kevlar Bogan
It appears Soulja Boy will never live down the infamous jacking of his prized Jesus piece chain.
Read MoreSoulja Boy became the latest entertainer to become the victim of a hacking this past weekend after his Facebook account was compromised. The perpetrator utilized the SODMG front man’s account to disparage the Glory Boyz Entertainment camp, namely rappers Chief Keef and BallOut.
Read MoreSoulja Boy is lashing out against Glory Boyz Entertainment for purportedly stealing a gold Jesus Piece chain from his home, namely rapper BallOut.
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