The world fell in love with a Gabrielle Douglas during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London when the 16-year-old gymnast phenom earned two gold medals.
Douglas won gold medals in both the individual and team all-around competitions during Olympic competition. The 16-year-old Virginia Beach native became the first African American woman to win an Olympic all-around title and fourth American woman to do so.
Though fans affectionately know Douglas as “Gabby,” the Virginia Beach Native prefers to be called by her full name “Gabrielle.”
Douglas appeared in a sit-down interview with Oprah Winfrey on Oprah’s Next Chapter to explain her desire for fans to call her by her birth name.
“My fans call me Gabby, but I think would prefer Gabrielle. I like the beauty about Gabrielle.”
Douglas discussed a variety of topics during her interview, including her hair, racism and her gold medal performance in the summer Olympics.
Head over to Collegiate Netvision (CNV) to view clips of Gabrielle Douglas’ interview with Oprah Winfrey by clicking here.
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